I have just come back from a prayer meeting in NTU. It has been a while for me not having such a great time praising and worshipping my wonderful God. I came to the prayer meeting with so many things inside my head. I have just cleared my final examination as an undergraduate and completed my final presentation for the degree. I am unofficially a BACHELOR... yeah a bachelor with so many things in his head...
"William Kangdra B. Eng"
Here are some of the great events that I should be grateful for:
1. Completed my last examination as an undergraduate in NTU. Definitely there is still room for improvement but I guess I have done my best for all the papers. During the exam preparation process itself I learnt a lot of new things. I meant beside the technical knowledge. Hint: it’s about belief, perseverance and compromise.
My Final Year Project: Electroencephalography (Mind Controlled device)
3. I am a National Achiever Congress 2008 graduate (Thanks Benny!!!). Yeah, it is a great three days seminar. If you were reading one of my posts and thought that being a millionaire before thirty years old is a joke, I think you need to attend this congress. I have meet James and Eric in this event. They are a very motivated and programmed-to-success kind of people.
4. Makan Sutra session. It’s a free event organized by the government agency for foreign student and for me it is a very good networking session. I got to know new people like: Yos from Nigeria, Desy from Medan (my home town), Hartono from Jakarta, Victor from Malaysia (KL), and many more.
Left to right: Desy, Lele, Rica, Kadek, Sophie and a handsome guy :-p
5. I have produced a (technical) paper that was accepted to the Second International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology, i-CREATe 2008. Hence I got a chance to go to Bangkok for free. Yay!
Be grateful and all the good things will come upon you!
mas, itu fotonya depan NIE, bukan NTU, masih aja ditulis B.Eng =p
Tapi foto nya bagus, sapa yah yang foto :p
Huhuhu, enak diajak ke Bangkok nya, gue ke KL aja ga diajak ama Sup huhuhu ...
lol... iya baru nyadar itu bukan NTU :S hahaha... Gwe rasa itu bagus karen modelnya :-p
Huehuehue... iya neh prof gwe ga ikut... jadi gwe yang bakal present... takut juga... hahaha
William, congratz and all the best buat iCREATE nya.
Congrats yaaa! Finally graduating soon! I'm sure all the pressure feel much lighter already. Anyway, Congrats!
Thank you Agung and Sylvia!
Anyway, do I know you Sylvia? I have a number of friends name Sylvia. :-)
Tsk tsk tsk, you're not supposed to use your phone before your paper was collected. Anyway, congrats! :D
Thanks Hendri! :-)
I am not using the handphone during the exam, I am just using the camera. :-D
hahhaha... org medan yg sombong ga kenal junior ckckkck..
geje foto di NIE bener2 di pasang..
so, still going back to Medan or just going to stay at Bangkok? anyway, jgn lupa souvenirsnya dari Medan jg blh Bangkok jg oke..
All the best!
Dear Rhyn,
Emang lu kira gwe mau migrasi ke thailand? hueheuue... ya bakal balik ke medan donk.
Gwe menghargai yang foto, jadi di pasang donk :p
Iya neh gwe rada kuper. Tapi kayaknya kalau junior ga kenal senior itu lebih parah lo... hehehe
Ayo... mau oleh2 apa? :p
In Bangkok :-)
hahaha... gw ga blg lu kuper ngaku sendiri :p haha peace peace*
wahhh da di bangkok senangnyaa.... bs jalan2.. hahahaha, oleh2 apapun blh kok yg penting bukan angin ato air di bangkok lu bawa plg. ga penting tuh.. hahaha..
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