Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday with Peter

My wednesday was ended with an insightful conversation with the founder of Wellsprings, Peter, a formally trained engineer that decided to pursue his passion in religious books. He was in the religious book ministry for decades. He was also the pioneer batch of NTU (formerly known as NTI).

Followings are his advice to us:
1. Start a business with product that you are passionate about. Without interest and personal passion in the product, the fire will not last long

2. Focus! Think of one product and push it through. Take the niche and expand the network.

3. Be personal. Based on his experience in selling religious books in Singapore, personal assistance is preferred by most customer.

The first two advices are what I have been hearing from most of the motivational speaker but I do not really believe in it. However it seems that God want me to believe in those points.

As I opened my daily reading, I found this phrase:
And he said to them "Oh, how foolish you are! How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets spoke! Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and enter into his glory?" - Lk 24:25
And today conversation flashed out in my mind, as if the higher power tried to communicate to me.

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